Are Men the new Girls??

What I figured out in a relationship nowadays is that girls are the one taking over a relationship or say running a relationship. So what does a guy do in the process of a relationship? Is he just there for the sake of being there? What is the role of a guy in a love affair?
Okay! This is insane that I am putting up such questions at the first place and secondly I completely put my audience into a confusing position. I'm so sorry but let me start again from the beginning because thats's what writers do right? They make you read the whole article like a fool and then, you don't understand what's going on? But that's what we do! We confuse you and start the whole thing all over again because that's what our jobs are!
Okay enough! Coming back to the point, what I meant to say is that Relationships have become very complicated this time, I mean for the current generation. Initially a Guy would do anything to make his girl happy may it be emotionally, mentally, monetary or physically. He would take all the initiative for a happy relationship. Even if he is not so serious about the relationship or even if he does love his girlfriend and don't want to take it to the next level, then also he will try his level best to make it upto her. They used to be Gentlemen then.
But presently something is wrong in the air!
The Gentlemen have turned into not so gentle-'men' but are the newly formed - earlier girls version!!
I will explain how!
Now that if you see in a relationship the girls are the initiators of everything. Be it emotionally, or physically or monetary the girls have taken a lead.
Because Men have been so tired of taking a lead in this matter that they have stopped to react and led the ladies take the initiative.
Because why to invest so much on a subject like relationship? "They have got so much better to do". With their fucking lives ofcourse.
Not to forget the special quality nowadays "No matter what happens, We won't spend money on our girls"!! Rather we will make them spend theirs on us!!!!
Is that what you call Revenge?
Just because the previous generation spent money on their girls. They think its the time to change the way. And so it is changed. Well, they gradually Succeeded.
Let's do the comparison
Starting with a small comparison of present and previous relationship generations.
In the previous time, a guy would only propose to a girl he likes and that proposal didnot mean just a relationship it was an indication that they would eventually get married for the rest of their lives.
Then the other generation that took initiative were the boys who wanted to have a physical relationship but the girls of those time were not so modern but extremely romantic so the guys had to start with the relationship, convince the girls that they love them, get physical and get over the girl and ofcourse hunt for the next girl. But with this they used to make sure that for a simple thing they will have to do a little pocket workout, that is; to get physical they will have to spend money on that girl to make her understand that the guy is spending so much on her because of the only reason that he loves her. When the girl is fully convinced she is ready to be physically used. That's when the guy start to take the advantage of the girl. And presently the scenario is totally different, now the era of modernity has taken place, where getting into physical activities is not an important issue at all so for guys sex is easy to get and it is possible even when they are not spending any money. It is like everything is in their favour and for that thing they have taked it for granted and that is why it makes them being differ from the earlier generation of men. Just because feminism is being prioritised that doesn't mean that women don't expect anything from men. It is okay to say that in a relationship a guy and a girl should be equal in each and every way and to take the relationship further the initiatives should be equal but Nah! That doesn't happen like that, Boys are Boys they do not give a shit about relationships Moreover they are rather interested in things like sports, friends , parties etc etc. so why to spend money in a relationship where without even spending a songle penny you get to sleep with the girl of your choice. Plus who has to marry her? She is just a time pass, a sex object who can be available anytime, anywhere only for Free!!
So yes I call the Men of today's generation the  New Girls who rather on spending on their girlfriends, believe in making their girlfriends spend on them. Like it used to happen to the girls of earlier times.
KALYUG has started to show colours. Next is going to be even more shameful and unbelievable.
So yes! My observation is correct and I proved it right. 


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