
 Stop meeting me behind closed doors.

I know that’s what we settled for,

But feelings change right?

For once at least once even you could feel the same way.

If it is so good inside, why not make it similar from the outside!

Why is that fear of the society?

I wonder how those emotions get impacted by switching venues?

May be this is what we agreed on and you are sticking by the rules!

But if we felt great about it under the blanket,

Ever imagined how great it would be just walking on the roads?

I don’t know how this works out for you,

May be when you talk emotions to someone 

they eventually search for romanticism. 

Despite having a control over their feelings, they fall for it. 

Having said that, these situationships are creating some serious disturbance in finding love..

And I don’t have all the answers so I am just going to stop trying.

Until I get what feels right in my heart! 



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