
I'm trying to get away with this feeling.
It's this particular time where I'm feeling
the weakest, otherwise nobody was as strong as I.
I know how to take care of myself when things are not falling into place.

This is a natural and the most obvious phenomenon and to face it with acceptance is the right thing to do.

First of all no one is above you, so stop feeling pathetic about your life.
Secondly, some one told me that if you can't be the reason for your own happiness, then how can you expect from others to keep you happy?

To that, my opinion is just listen to that someone and accept the reality that it's practically impossible.

In the real world, we all look for someone who can make us feel special and better.
 To an extent where you yourself can be the only reason for that kind of feeling.

But in the end you need to accept the bitter truth that happiness comes from inside only, when there is someone from outside who can do that one special thing to bring that sort of smile on your face.

Philosophical talks won't get inside a person's attribute as it is not a mathematical equation where all you need to do is learn the technique and follow, that doesn't work in human's life. This is not catchy at all.

A person is filled with emotions and it depends on the state of mind of that person who plays the key role to reflect  kinds of emotions during required situations.

Trust me, coming out of a problem, depression, fear, weakness is all part of the difficulty.
But when you get the right path, you don't allow yourself to solve that out of course mathematical equation because then you would know that you can find your answer without even forming the equation.

So, all you need in life is a little CLOSURE about the things that bother you, Rest is none of your business...


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