
I was pretending to get over you,
In the process, I fucked many .
At one time I stopped .
Started fucking only one,
Became a monogamist .
Thought it was me ,
Thought it was this person, good to me.
Cared about me, so I could return the same favour to him.
I was just following the path and not my mind .
I was almost screwed, until life took care of  it. 
Even after coming so far, I was left where I had begun 
So there was no chance of running away from you. 
Whatever I did, with the intention of forgetting you made me more closer to your characteristics. 
I became this person, you always wanted to change in me.
This time has passed too quickly and each second assured me of how dysfunctional my mind has become. 
Too many thoughts and too many decisions run together,
My life holds of an ideal scenario which is just too imperfect to see.
I could not think of getting away with these insecurities just by sleeping around with somebody .
Yet I did, it gave me peace too! 
Long before I realised, that it was my body getting this peace but my soul was still fighting to live..


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