I was too deep into my thoughts and suddenly how much that one thing meant to me. After being too much involved, dicing my head into the heads and tails of one peculiar ponderance. I stood up, unknotted my hair, felt the cool breeze, lit my cigarette, inhaled it and felt at ease.
Have you ever thought of a backup option in your relationship? Why not? We keep backup option for everything our contact, our conversation, photos, movies etc. So why is that one thing that force us to step aside from the line and be focused in the same relationship? Ever imagined how much it is important to have an alternative? Life is not easy and to live it happily one must follow certain do's, to make it a better place to fit in. It's not right to keep someone on hold, especially when that someone likes you or loves you. Keeping on hold will bring two situations: One when you want that person to be in your life but presently you have someone else with you and don't want to leave the current love because you also know that somewhere down the line you also feel for that person and at the same time have this thought that the person might just leave you someday. So, you keep all the points in mind and intentionally keep a backup option. Secondly, the person you put ...
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