True Value of your loved ones.

All of us are equal but it's the time that play game.
At one point we  have so much around us that we stop thinking about the most important person of our life and if that special person doesn't have so much around to look for , 
It automatically makes the person alone and left out. 
The same can happen with the other person, to the one who was feeling alone and left out at one point of time. 
Maybe now there is so much around it that now this person forgets to remember the other person who is supposed to be this person's important someone. 
How would that person  feel then? 
This sounds strange but when we come back from the limelight of so much happening around us and when the charm fades away, we eventually go back to that one person, showing we want them desperately and they should give us all their time. 
Remember they are those who were left alone  when they needed you the most. 
But they'll still stick by you because their love never faded like that appealing  limelight which came from dusk to dawn. 
Start giving importance to those who mean the world to us for real. 
If in our heart, we don't feel they're important, Say it to them on their face. 
Lastly, do not run after coals when we already have our diamond. 


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